Welcome to the new RSS Brain blog website! In the past, I shared features and news about RSS Brain on my personal blog. But as I’m planning to make future releases more regular, I feel there should be a news website just for RSS Brain. So here it is!

This is a static site powered by Jekyll. I’m using a simple theme called Minimal Mistakes. As the name suggested, the website has minimal features but it’s good enough to get started.

Next step for this side is to tune the style and layout further. For example, it will show categories on the left side for easier navigation.

Speaking of categories, this site will post the following content in the future:

  • Release notes: the changes for every release.
  • News: New features, changes, updates from RSS Brain. This is a higher level overview from release notes and is not bind to every release.
  • Product tips: Tips about the features of RSS Brain and how to use it more efficiently.

